Photo Colorful coral

The PC Rainbow Acro, or Pearl City Rainbow Acropora, is a captivating coral species highly prized in reef aquariums. This small polyp stony (SPS) coral features a hard calcium carbonate skeleton with small polyps extending from its branches to capture food. Native to the Indo-Pacific region, it inhabits shallow reef areas with moderate to high water flow and strong lighting.

Renowned for its vibrant, rainbow-colored branches, the PC Rainbow Acro displays a spectrum of hues including red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. This diverse coloration makes it a popular choice for aquarium enthusiasts seeking to add visual interest to their tanks. When properly maintained, it can develop into an intricate colony that serves as a focal point in reef aquariums.

While aesthetically appealing, the PC Rainbow Acro requires specific care to thrive. It demands a stable, well-maintained aquarium environment, which can be challenging for some hobbyists. Successful cultivation of this species necessitates attention to water quality, lighting, and flow conditions.

With appropriate care, the PC Rainbow Acro can flourish, offering a stunning display of colors in captive reef ecosystems.

Key Takeaways

  • PC Rainbow Acro is a stunning and colorful coral species that adds beauty to any reef tank.
  • Proper care and maintenance of PC Rainbow Acro involves providing stable water parameters and adequate lighting.
  • PC Rainbow Acro is compatible with a variety of tank mates, but caution should be taken with aggressive species.
  • Feeding PC Rainbow Acro with a combination of phytoplankton and zooplankton will ensure its nutritional needs are met.
  • Reproduction and propagation of PC Rainbow Acro can be achieved through fragging and careful handling.
  • Common health issues for PC Rainbow Acro include bleaching and tissue recession, which can be addressed through water quality improvements.
  • Enjoy the beauty of PC Rainbow Acro by providing it with the proper care and attention it needs to thrive in your reef tank.

Care and Maintenance of PC Rainbow Acro

Water Parameters

To ensure the health and vitality of the PC Rainbow Acro, it is essential to provide it with stable water parameters. This includes a temperature range of 72-78°F, a salinity level of 1.025-1.026, and alkalinity levels between 8-12 dKH. Additionally, it is crucial to maintain low levels of nitrate and phosphate in the water, as high levels of these nutrients can lead to algae growth and poor coral health.

Lighting Requirements

The PC Rainbow Acro requires intense lighting to thrive. LED lighting systems are often recommended for this coral species, as they can provide the high levels of PAR (photosynthetically active radiation) necessary for growth and development. However, it is essential to acclimate the coral to the new lighting slowly to prevent stress or bleaching.

Water Flow and Maintenance

The PC Rainbow Acro requires moderate to high water flow to help remove waste and deliver nutrients to its polyps. It is crucial to ensure that there is enough water movement in the aquarium to prevent detritus from settling on the coral’s branches and causing tissue damage. By providing the proper water parameters, lighting, and water flow, you can create a thriving environment for your PC Rainbow Acro.

Tank Compatibility for PC Rainbow Acro

When considering tank compatibility for the PC Rainbow Acro, it is important to keep in mind that this coral species has specific requirements in terms of water quality, lighting, and water flow. In addition to these factors, it is also important to consider the placement of the PC Rainbow Acro within the aquarium and its compatibility with other tank inhabitants. This coral species should be placed in a well-established reef aquarium with stable water parameters and a mature biological filtration system.

It is important to ensure that there are no aggressive tank mates that may harm or damage the delicate branches of the PC Rainbow Acro. In terms of placement within the aquarium, the PC Rainbow Acro should be positioned in an area with intense lighting and moderate to high water flow. It is important to provide enough space between the PC Rainbow Acro and other corals in order to prevent competition for space and resources.

Additionally, it is important to ensure that there are no overhanging rocks or structures that may shade the PC Rainbow Acro from the light, as this can lead to poor growth and coloration. When considering tank mates for the PC Rainbow Acro, it is important to choose peaceful fish and invertebrates that will not disturb or damage the coral. It is also important to avoid placing aggressive or territorial species near the PC Rainbow Acro in order to prevent any potential conflicts within the aquarium.

Feeding and Nutrition for PC Rainbow Acro

Feeding and Nutrition for PC Rainbow Acro
Lighting: Medium to high lighting
Flow: Moderate to strong water flow
Feeding: Target feed with small meaty foods like mysis shrimp or brine shrimp
Supplements: Occasional addition of coral supplements containing trace elements

The PC Rainbow Acro is a photosynthetic coral species, which means that it obtains the majority of its nutrition through photosynthesis using symbiotic algae called zooxanthellae that live within its tissues. However, the PC Rainbow Acro can also benefit from supplemental feedings of small zooplankton and phytoplankton in order to provide it with additional nutrients and promote growth. It is important to provide the PC Rainbow Acro with these supplemental feedings 1-2 times per week in order to ensure that it receives all of the necessary nutrients for optimal health and coloration.

When feeding the PC Rainbow Acro, it is important to use a high-quality liquid coral food that contains a blend of zooplankton and phytoplankton. These foods can be target fed directly to the polyps of the coral using a turkey baster or pipette in order to ensure that it receives the maximum amount of nutrition. It is important to feed the PC Rainbow Acro after the lights have been turned off in the aquarium, as this will allow it to capture and consume the food without competition from other tank inhabitants.

Additionally, it is important to monitor the coral’s response to feeding in order to determine the appropriate frequency and amount of supplemental feedings needed.

Reproduction and Propagation of PC Rainbow Acro

The PC Rainbow Acro has the ability to reproduce both sexually and asexually, making it a popular choice for aquaculture and propagation within the reef aquarium hobby. Sexual reproduction occurs when mature colonies release eggs and sperm into the water column during spawning events, which can lead to the formation of new larvae that settle and grow into new colonies. Asexual reproduction occurs when fragments or broken pieces of the PC Rainbow Acro are able to regenerate and grow into new colonies under the right conditions.

In order to propagate the PC Rainbow Acro through asexual reproduction, hobbyists can carefully frag or break off small pieces of the coral’s branches using sharp bone cutters or fragging tools. These fragments can then be attached to frag plugs or live rock using cyanoacrylate glue or epoxy putty in order to allow them to heal and grow into new colonies. It is important to provide these fragments with stable water parameters, intense lighting, and moderate water flow in order to promote healing and growth.

With proper care and attention, these fragments can develop into beautiful new colonies of PC Rainbow Acro that can be shared with other hobbyists or used to expand a reef aquarium display.

Common Health Issues and Solutions for PC Rainbow Acro

Preventing Bleaching

One common problem that can affect the PC Rainbow Acro is bleaching, which occurs when the coral expels its zooxanthellae due to stress from changes in water quality or lighting. To prevent bleaching, it is crucial to maintain stable water parameters, provide appropriate lighting, and acclimate the coral slowly to any changes in its environment.

Treating Bleaching

If bleaching does occur, it is essential to identify and address the underlying cause of stress and provide the coral with optimal conditions to encourage recovery.

Preventing Tissue Recession

Another common health issue that can affect the PC Rainbow Acro is tissue recession, which occurs when the coral’s tissue begins to recede from its skeleton due to poor water quality or physical damage. To prevent tissue recession, it is vital to maintain low levels of nitrate and phosphate in the water, provide adequate water flow, and avoid physical damage from tank mates or equipment within the aquarium.

Enjoying the Beauty of PC Rainbow Acro

In conclusion, the PC Rainbow Acro is a stunning coral species that can bring a touch of vibrant color and beauty to any reef aquarium display. While caring for this coral species may require dedication and attention to detail, the rewards of watching it thrive and grow into a beautiful colony are well worth the effort. By providing the PC Rainbow Acro with stable water parameters, intense lighting, appropriate water flow, supplemental feedings, and proper propagation techniques, hobbyists can enjoy the beauty of this stunning coral species for years to come.

With its striking rainbow-colored branches and delicate polyps, the PC Rainbow Acro is sure to captivate any reef aquarium enthusiast and add a touch of natural wonder to their underwater world.

If you’re interested in learning more about PC Rainbow Acro, be sure to check out this informative article on This article provides in-depth information on how to care for and maintain PC Rainbow Acro in your aquarium, as well as tips for creating the ideal environment for these stunning corals to thrive. Whether you’re a beginner or experienced hobbyist, this article is a valuable resource for anyone looking to add PC Rainbow Acro to their reef tank.


What is a PC Rainbow Acro?

A PC Rainbow Acro is a type of coral that belongs to the Acropora genus. It is known for its vibrant and colorful appearance, with a rainbow of colors including green, blue, purple, and pink.

How do you care for a PC Rainbow Acro?

Caring for a PC Rainbow Acro involves providing it with proper lighting, water flow, and water quality. It also requires regular feeding and monitoring for pests and diseases.

What are the ideal tank conditions for a PC Rainbow Acro?

PC Rainbow Acros thrive in a well-established reef aquarium with stable water parameters. They require high lighting, moderate to high water flow, and stable water temperatures.

What do PC Rainbow Acros eat?

PC Rainbow Acros are photosynthetic and derive much of their nutrition from the symbiotic algae living within their tissues. They also benefit from supplemental feeding of planktonic and particulate foods.

Are PC Rainbow Acros suitable for beginner reef keepers?

PC Rainbow Acros are not recommended for beginner reef keepers due to their specific care requirements and sensitivity to changes in water parameters. They are better suited for experienced reef aquarists.

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